Bulletin number 4, 6/15 -6/21/2020

Welcome to bulletin 4 for the 2020 growing season. Download the spore trapping potato data here and the sugar beet spore trapping data here. Both excel spread sheets require a password to open then. Email us to request access to the data.


This week weather conditions which are more favorable for late blight (cool and higher humidity) were observed across the Snake River Valley from Ontario in the west to Tetonia in the east. Spores of Alternaria solani (early blight) were also detected for the first time this year at Aberdeen. Ascospores of Sclerotinia sclerotium (white mold) were also detected at Aberdeen, Adrian and Blackfoot. If your crop is at flowering or close to row closure, now is the time to apply products to control white mold. Consult your company agronomist or fungicide applicator for recommended products to control white mold and early blight.

Sugar beet

Visual disease symptoms of Powdery mildew have been observed near Nyssa and South of Parma. Erysiphe betae spores continue to be detected at Adrian, Parma and to a lesser extent Glenns Ferry and Kimberly. No spores were detected at American Falls. Spores were detected every day at Parma from the 18th to the 22nd June and we have started applying fungicides for Erysiphe betae in the sugar beet field trials at Parma.