Bulletin number 4, 6/15 -6/21/2020
This week conditions were more conducive to late blight across the snake river valley with cool cloudy weather. But late blight has not been reported in Idaho yet and no spores have been detected.
This week conditions were more conducive to late blight across the snake river valley with cool cloudy weather. But late blight has not been reported in Idaho yet and no spores have been detected.
This week late blight was found in a home owners garden in western Washington state near Mt Vernon. Late blight has not yet been reported in Idaho.
Welcome to the weekly spore trapping bulletin. No spores of the 3 target pathogens have been detected in any of the spore traps this week and the risk level remains at green.
Welcome to the first spore trapping report for the 2020 growing season. As well as spore trapping data, this year we are also adding additional information collected from bucket traps for insects starting from next week.