University of Idaho Ririe EVT Irrigated Results, 2020
Preliminary results are now available for irrigated winter wheat variety trials from Ririe, ID
Preliminary results are now available for irrigated winter wheat variety trials from Ririe, ID
Preliminary results are now available for winter wheat and barley from the EVT trials at Aberdeen REC.
The Southeast Idaho cereals Virtual Field Day is now available. Download information and watch informative videos produced by the UI Cereals team.
Preliminary spring barley yield results from the UI EVT trial in Rupert ID.
Preliminary EVT results are now available for hard and soft spring wheat trials in Rupert ID.
Preliminary EVT results are now available for hard and soft winter wheat trials at Kimberly REC
Looks like we are still going ahead with our Cereal Field Days! Please join us for field days but no lunch.